datum 27. 07. 2024     English   Česky   Deutsch
FRESO comp., s.r.o. FRESO COMP & ST. spol s r.o. www.fresocomp.cz

About Us

Freso company s.r.o. was established on 1st March 1999. Registered office of the company is in Pustějov about 5 km from Studénka and its location has been directing the main production line. Vagonka Studénka was renown producer of railway wagons and carriages and Freso company s.r.o. wanted to continue the tradition producing components and spare parts for domestic market. Main production line of the company has been metal cutting namely milling and turning. With more demanding market the activity was extended by thread-rolling, metal grinding and welding.

Our company has three operations with about 60 employes. One operation is located in the company headquarters and is focused at metal cutting on CNC machines. Other two operations are located in Studénka and divided into metal cutting plus thread-rolling and surface painting of components.

In 2004 our company successfully completed Certificate of Quality Management System complying with the ČSN EN 9001:2001 standard and Certificate of Technical Capability of the Czech Railways Supplier. After seven years of operating on domestic market the aim of the company is to expand to foreign markets. On 1st May 2006 we established daughter company focused on trading with foreign countries named FRESO comp & ST, spol.s.r.o.
